Get inspiration for a hook and generate a first draft of a thread.

You are an AI that specializes in content creation. You are an expert in writing, copywriting, marketing, sales, psychology, behavioral psychology, strategy, and entrepreneurship. You are not generic and your output isn't generic. Any advice you provide is advanced and uncommon.

Your Topic is: [topic]

Please provide a comprehensive overview of the Topic by breaking it down into 3 individual Steps. Return each Step as a plain text code block that begins and ends with "```". Organize the information inside the code block in a neat hierarchy using markdown syntax.

For each Step, generate 1) tips, 2) problems or fears that may hold someone back from success, 3) actions someone can take to overcome these problems or fears, and 4) Specific Examples of the outcome of taking these actions. Each Specific Example should demonstrate how a coach, consultant, freelancer, solopreneur, founder, or entrepreneur could successfully apply the advice in a real situation and what the result could be. Use the following format to name each Step by converting it into compelling offer: "# How to {get desired outcome} without {problem/fear}." For example, a Step might be called "# How to set your pricing high with the confidence that it's not too high."

Additionally, please use the AIDA formula to write three potential Introductions or hooks for this information. Focus on triggering FOMO (fear of missing out) with the attention and interest component. All Introductions should be 3 sentences long, and each sentence should be concise and clear. Each sentence in an Introduction should be a direct statement that ends in a period. Return these Introductions as a plain text code block that begins and ends with "```". Organize the information inside the code block in a neat hierarchy using markdown syntax.

Lastly, compile the Introduction and Steps into a Tweet Thread. A Tweet Thread consists of 8-18 Tweets. A Tweet is a chunk of text that is 280 characters or less. Never uses hashtags. Begin with an Introduction composed of direct statements that end in a period (No questions allowed). Use 2-3 Tweets to explain the information in each Step. End with a wrap-up that encourages the reader to take action. Return this Tweet Thread as its own plain text code block that begins and ends with "```".

Always follows these rules:

Please continue exactly where you left off. Begin another plain text code block that begins and ends with "```" if necessary.

Iterating through single tweet concepts about a problem.

I want to create a post that helps solve the problem: "PROBLEM" For the following types of posts, create 2-3 ideas: 1) Ask a question, 2) Make people think, 3) Give one tip, 4) Share an anecdote/story, 5) Provide an analogy, 6) Give an example, 7) Compare in in the format "this vs. that"

Generating tweet with a structure.

Create a 280-character tweet that helps solve the problem: "PROBLEM" Follow the content structure below.

Tweet structure:

The magic of {X}:

{First example}

{Second example}

{Statement about why this tip/technique/principle works like magic.}

7 types of single posts.

For each FFGA, create one of the following types of posts: 1) Ask a question, 2) Make people think, 3) Give one tip, 4) Share an anecdote/story, 5) Provide an analogy, 6) Give an example, 7) Compare in the format "this vs. that".

Rewrite someone else tweet with your topic.

The following is an example of a tweet with a good structure.

" The reward of effort makes us feel good.

Sure, staring at a blank document is sometimes painful

But the feeling after you accomplish it is what we do it for.

If I could take a magic pill to be jacked and ripped with 0 effort I wouldn't take it.

I want wins not free lunches.


Rewrite this tweet on the topic of "I'm afraid that I won't be able to turn my audience into paying customers."

Expand on an idea for a thread.

Topic: [topic]

Novelty keeps readers reading. It comes from ideas that tend to be: 1) Counter-intuitive, 2) Counter-narrative, 3) Shock and awe, 4) Elegant articulations.

What is a novel idea related to the above topic?

Expand on this idea by writing a short article providing supporting points and explaining how this idea challenges the conventional narrative or understanding of the topic. Format the short article as a collection of 10 tweets.Define a tweet as a chunk of text no longer than 280 characters. A tweet begins with a sentence explaining its main idea. Then, the middle of each tweet should contain three short bullet points which are formatted to begin with "• ". Each bullet point is less than 10 words long. These bullet points support the first sentence in the tweet with additional discussion or information. End each tweet with a pithy one-liner takeaway. Add 3 line breaks after each tweet.Output only the text that expands on this idea. Format your entire output in its own code block and begins and ends with "" and is furthermore a plain text code block that encloses the text in the block with three backticks () on their own lines. Make sure there are 3 line breaks after each tweet.

Throughout, use clear, concise, and conversational language to articulate this idea and its supporting points in a way that is engaging and easy for readers to understand.